by aseifert | Jun 17, 2014 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar
The final Social Scholar seminar this term will focus on a project based at the School of Advanced Study which has placed social media as a central part of the project. The event will take place in room 246 of Senate House between 1pm-2pm on Wednesday 18 June 2014....
by aseifert | May 6, 2014 | Digital, The Social Scholar
Over the last few years The Guardian newspaper’s Higher Education Network has become increasingly successful and popular. In the April session of the Social Scholar content coordinator, Claire Shaw shared her thoughts and experiences with us. Social Media is all about...
by aseifert | Apr 1, 2014 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar
On Wednesday 9 April 2014 we will be holding our next Social Scholar seminar (in room 243, Senate House). This week we will be looking at the Guardian newspapers’ Higher Education Network through the eyes of community journalist Claire Shaw (@clurshaw). For full...
by aseifert | Mar 11, 2014 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar
In general, Museums have taken to social media with the ultimate goal to engage the public with their objects and collections. The purpose is foot-fall; the more people that walk through the doors of the museum the better. Social media helps to promote the...
by aseifert | Feb 13, 2014 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar
Don’t forget that on Wednesday 19 February at 1pm (in room 246, Senate House) we will be delving into the world of social media with Kathryn Box and Kajsa Hartig. The session focuses on sharing information about social media between academics, librarians, archivists,...