by aseifert | Jul 23, 2012 | SMART Project
An initial survey of existing social media engagement across the School reveals an uneven level of engagement. The central School has its own social media channels; as do the School’s repository SAS-Space, and the new SAS Open Journals platform (developed with JISC...
by aseifert | Jul 22, 2012 | SMART Project
The SMART: Social Media Assessment for Research Transfer one-year project, funded by JISC, will enable the School to: assess current stakeholder activity in this area; develop social media tools, policy and practice: and provide a support infrastructure and long-term...
by aseifert | Jun 26, 2012 | Digital, Projects, SMART Project
After going through the SAS websites it became apparent that there was a large quantity of social-media being used by both the central School, and the connected Institutes. However, the usage level, and the traffic created by these social-media outlets, differed...