by aseifert | Jan 9, 2014 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar
In December 2013 the Social Scholar looked into issues of ethics in regards to social media publishing. Anne Alexander (Cambridge) explored the dangers of ‘publishing’ online and suggested advice to avoid the potential pitfalls. This ‘archive’ post summarises what...
by aseifert | Nov 27, 2013 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar, Training and Research
The third FREE public lunchtime seminar of The Social Scholar will be held in room 246 of Senate House (University of London) at 1pm next Wednesday (4 December). The seminar is open to all. Here’s a brief run down of what you can expect. Follow us on Twitter...
by aseifert | Oct 8, 2013 | Digital, Events, The Social Scholar, Training and Research
The Social Scholar is a series of lunchtime seminars from the School of Advanced Study, providing training on the theme of Social Media. In these sessions we hope to learn together about how to better use social media in a professional capacity and what the...
by aseifert | Aug 14, 2013 | Analysis & Comment, Comms Team, Digital, SMART Project, The Miller Archive
At SAS it is our role to promote and facilitate research. As part of a one-year JISC-funded SMART project, the central communications team has been working closely with staff across SAS to expand and develop the social media presence of the School and its 10...
by aseifert | May 15, 2013 | Digital, Projects, SMART Project
This post lists some of the findings from a recent survey we ran as part of the JISC-funded social media project – SMART. The project is lead by the SAS communications team and engages all 10 institutes of the School. The project commenced in July 2012 and is...