by aseifert | Jun 13, 2013 | Analysis & Comment, Features, Music, The Miller Archive
Post by Dr Clare George. The second post, about exile libraries, can be found here. The third post, about refugee protection mechanisms, can be found here. Clare is the archivist working on The Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert Miller Archive: An Austrian Jewish Exile...
by aseifert | May 15, 2013 | Digital, Projects, SMART Project
This post lists some of the findings from a recent survey we ran as part of the JISC-funded social media project – SMART. The project is lead by the SAS communications team and engages all 10 institutes of the School. The project commenced in July 2012 and is...
by aseifert | May 14, 2013 | Comms Team, Digital, Training and Research
Why podcast Disseminating work to as wide an audience as possible is becoming an essential part of an academic’s day to day life, whether it be through social media, blogging or creating a podcast. Many funding opportunities or grants are won by proving that...
by aseifert | Apr 17, 2013 | SMART Project
After carrying out a social media survey across the 10 Institutes of the School we were able to put together this infographic showing some of SAS’s social media habits. (Click image to view full size)
by aseifert | Feb 26, 2013 | SMART Project
This afternoon Abhay will lead a focus and planning group for the SMART project with 10 SAS staff, plus the project team, so 15 of us in all. Staff attending represent a broad range of roles and departments, including the Institutes of Advanced Legal Studies,...