by Talking Humanities | May 11, 2017 | Events, Fellowships & Networks, History & Classics, Interviews, The Social Scholar
The School of Advanced Study’s ‘social scholar’ lunchtime seminar returns on 17 May with Dr Peter Jones offering a fascinating discussion on converting research into a form that can be used for teaching school children. Below, Peter hints at what to expect. Could you...
by Talking Humanities | Apr 26, 2016 | Features, History & Classics, Languages & Literature, Republished, Research & Resources, Training and Research
We project our ideals, generally, on blank sheets of paper. But what if my own projection – of a postcapitalist economy within 50 years – had to be projected on the first ever urban capitalist economy: the city of Amsterdam. I mean the 250-500 year old brick built...
by Talking Humanities | Apr 8, 2016 | Analysis & Comment, Features, Fellowships & Networks, Graduate Study, History & Classics
At the end of March around 90 academics gathered at the architecturally fascinating Robinson College in Cambridge for the annual meeting of the Urban History Group. Dr Tom Hulme, early career lecturer in urban history at the Institute of Historical Research, came away...