by aseifert | Jul 27, 2012 | SMART Project
I believe that one of the key aspect of social-media overlaps perfectly with a critical point of research based higher education: to create discussion. Social-media is the perfect medium for allowing those who have opinions and knowledge on a topic to discuss it with...
by aseifert | Jul 25, 2012 | SMART Project
The first stage of the project will be to conduct a benchmarking study assessing the degree of present engagement. This investigation, involving both internal and external assessors, will provide the foundation for the next stages. JISC tools used in this initial...
by aseifert | Jul 23, 2012 | SMART Project
An initial survey of existing social media engagement across the School reveals an uneven level of engagement. The central School has its own social media channels; as do the School’s repository SAS-Space, and the new SAS Open Journals platform (developed with JISC...
by aseifert | Jun 26, 2012 | Digital, Projects, SMART Project
After going through the SAS websites it became apparent that there was a large quantity of social-media being used by both the central School, and the connected Institutes. However, the usage level, and the traffic created by these social-media outlets, differed...