An initial assessment of SAS was completed by myself and Peter Webster using the JISC Promotion of Research Self-Assessment Tool.
Overall the tool was considered: 1. A useful exercise; 2, there were difficulties in the context of a federal institution such as the School (e.g. dividing between central and locally (Institute) managed websites etc); 3. The findings were helpful in pointing us in the right direction by identifying areas to be looked at and prioritised.
Priorities identified:
- Develop the SAS communications strategy to include social media and the use of online channels to communicate research and research promotion and facilitation expertise.
- Expand the website development plan to include other online channels, the identification of expertise information as a type of information, and the promotion of online tools and how usage will be developed.
- Develop features, including information on digital channels to help users understand how to work with SAS, and the use of blogs.
- Continue to improve metrics, tracking and evaluation, including tracking users’ paths through the website, and identifying returning visitors.
- Include consideration of expertise information and the development of opportunities to exploit that expertise within the context of social networking.
- Develop experience and skills in social networking for the purposes of strategic planning and implementation.
- Review risk assessment and management plan for social networking.