The Human Mind is an ambitious international and multidisciplinary project representing a coordinated effort to define the major intellectual challenges in understanding the nature and significance of the human mind. Central to the project is the importance of collaboration across conventional disciplinary boundaries. It will highlight the contribution of the arts and humanities to the study of human nature, and the importance of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the mind, integrating science and the humanities. Led by the Institute of Philosophy’s Professor Colin Blakemore, the project is guided by a steering group of leading figures in various disciplines across the world.
Check here for a list of resources related to this interdisciplinary project.
Interviews Videos
Vittorio Gallese (physiology) What’s so special about the Human Mind?
Annette Karmiloff Smith (Neuroscientist)
Ziauddin Sardar (Muslim thought)
Paul Fletcher (psychiatrist)
Dominic Johnson (biology/political science)