The theme of the third annual conference of the Refugee Law Initiative – Refugee protection in a hostile world? – reflects on an apparent strengthening of long-standing currents of anti-refugee feeling and other forms of instability in the world. This trend raises urgent questions about its present and future impact on refugee protection globally, as well as the interaction between global politics and refugee law.
Taking place on 18–19 July at Senate House, the conference provides an annual international forum to share and debate the latest research and cutting-edge developments in refugee protection. This year’s event will build on the success of previous conferences that united academics, practitioners, policymakers and students in considering pressing challenges to refugee law.
The keynote speakers for this years’ event are: E. Tendayi Achiume (UN special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance); Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (Raoul Wallenberg Institute); and Jean-François Durieux (Refugee Law Initiative).
Alongside presentations from keynote speakers, several panel sessions will be devoted to this theme – Stream 1 (Thematic: refugee protection in a hostile world); Stream 2 (Open: new regional and inter-state perspectives on refugee law); Stream 3 (Open: topical issues in refugee law).
In addition, a special one-day international IDP workshop on 20 July (also at Senate House) will celebrate 20 years of the 20 years of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. Attendance at this workshop is options for conference participants and must be booked separately.
When: 18–19 July 2018
Who: Refugee Law Initiative
Where: Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU