by Talking Humanities | May 28, 2019 | Analysis & Comment, Digital, Human Rights, Politics & Law, Projects, Training and Research
Dr Ainhoa Montoya, a lecturer at the Institute of Latin American Studies, and international lawyer and researcher, Constanza Pauchulo, report on a project that created a database of legal actions relating to mining conflicts in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and...
by Talking Humanities | May 27, 2019 | Events, Politics & Law, PotW, Public Engagement
Jointly organised by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) and the Committee of Heads of UK Law Schools (CHULS) this workshop, aimed at law school managers and leaders, will focus on wellbeing challenges in relation to performing those leadership roles. Some...
by Talking Humanities | Feb 11, 2019 | Human Rights, Politics & Law, PotW
In the centenary year of women’s admission to the legal profession in the UK and Ireland, the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies is launching a year-long series of talks, exploring key legal landmarks. Speakers drawn from the contributors to the Women’s Legal...
by Talking Humanities | Sep 10, 2018 | Events, Human Rights, Politics & Law, PotW
Privacy in the new public sphere, its value and its threats will draw together philosophers, legal scholars and practitioners to facilitate an interdisciplinary dialogue focused on the value of privacy in contemporary society, and the threats it faces. Organised by...
by Talking Humanities | May 20, 2018 | Events, History & Classics, Human Rights, Politics & Law, PotW
The political philosopher and refugee Hannah Arendt, wrote in 1944 that: ‘Everywhere the word “exile” which once had an undertone of almost sacred awe, now provokes the idea of something simultaneously suspicious and unfortunate.’ This John Coffin* memorial lecture...